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Online data entry jobs
Online Data entry payment proof - payment proof for online data entry
Many people have good computer, internet skills, yet are not able to find any safe paid work offline. While there are a large number of survey, task, paid to search websites for making money online, most of these websites do not have work available regularly. So one alternative to these websites is doing online data entry work without investment ,since there is always a lot of data entry work available.
The online data entry work involves mainly typing captcha . The procedure for getting paid for online data entry work is as follows
- Register for online data entry
- click on the start work option
- Select the language you prefer for online data entry, level of fluency
- Start work, and the data for data entry will be shown
- after entering the data shown within the specified time, the amount will be credited if the data entry is correct.
The payment for data entry varies depending on the complexity, and the payment for a simple captcha is $0.00026
Workers have several options for withdrawing their income
- Bitcoin
- Bitcoincash
- Payeer
- Webmoney
- AirTM
- Advcash
The minimum payout is only $0.25 and some users are making this amount every day.
Payment proof for online data entry is also available, listed above, shows that the website has been paying for more than 6 years, so is reliable.
2Captcha has become popular for Online data entry as anyone can signup to solve captcha and earn money from 2Captcha online data entry in 2022. It has been advertised extensively. 2Captcha is one of the more honest websites online, tracking referrals accurately
For 2Captcha the user interface has been designed very well, and website will open quickly. They claim to pay $0.5 for 1000 captchas solved. During review for simple captcha solved, the rate offered was $0.00018. As the number of captchas solved increased, the complexity of the captcha available also increased. The rate was higher for more complex captcha, however, if there is an error double the amount will be deducted, so it will be better to skip the captcha if it was not clear.
The 2Captcha website will list the current statistics for captcha solving,including number of captchas solved, users online, and usually time taken on an average will be about 8 seconds per captcha Those with a high speed internet connection can complete 1000 captchas in one hour according to a review Minimum payout amount $0.5 with Webmoney
Ideal for those who do not have a Paypal account or whose Paypal account has been disabled .
Captcha solving will be ideal for those who want to earn money without any skills, for students with free internet at college, and those with an inexpensive reliable fast internet connection, Anyone having any queries or wishing to promote their online money making website can contact at
Indians who need help to convert the payment to Indian rupees or any other help for data entry work in 2022, without any investment, can contact at and . Websites similar to 2Captcha interested in outsourcing data entry, captcha solving work to low cost indian workers, can also contact for a free review on the data entry job website,

Kolotibablo is another popular captcha typing website which also offers a large number of payout options through cryptocurrencies. The rates for various types of captchas will vary depending on the supply of captchas and workers online to solve the captcha

Work online and earn real money

Another website which is less popular is Get-paid, which has business card data entry option
paid surveys

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